Global Game Jam 2012

Last weekend, the Global Game Jam 2012 took place. I have been to the Munich site, where we had a great mixture of new and old people. I had a wonderful time and we created a Jump’n’Run: Ouroboros – Adventures of Sir Wayne Finley.

Since 48 hours are rather long if you are more often at events with a maximum of 24 hours to create a game, we had some time to polish our game and we think that the game play is balanced.

The jam session started with a short introduction and self-presentation. After that, the theme was given and we started a brain storming session with small teams. In my team, we had the idea of an endless Jump’n’Run. After all ideas had been presented, a team building process started. We decided that our idea would make a great game and found some people to create our game. So we started with some more brainstorming and started to create our game.

As usual, we did not get a lot of sleep during the 48 hours, but I think that our final games repays for that. I hope you will enjoy playing it as much as we did enjoy creating it!