This weekend, I had the honour to host another Mini Game Jam in Munich. We had 11 participants that created 2 games. Thank you to everybody for coming and giving me an easy life as host. This time, I set the topic to
Improving your odds doesn’t guarantee success. (Bill Gates)
My team decided to create a space racer. Regarding the topic, we decided that all bonuses and actions will also have some negative effect, e.g. acceleration makes your ship harder to control. This time, I did code and audio/music.
This time, I used the game jam to try a new concept: Work in two sessions instead of 24 hours without break. I really like that both teams finished with something playable and nobody turned into a zombie-like person. I am about to credit this to our new mode.
In some discussion, we revisited more interactive audio again, so we might have another music dedicated jam soon again.