Making Progress

As you may know, I am working on two Android games at the moment. A while ago, I presented Aliens from Space here in the news. The game is making some good progress, I wrote a lot of AI code, and I did plenty of optimisations. At the moment, the main task is content creation, i.e. graphics and sounds. I am also a little bit undecided if I should put the focus to action or strategy.

Apart from Aliens from Space, I have started to create a little turn-based strategy game. When I started, I tried some game play experiments and used a really awesome art style:

device-2014-07-05-231728Maybe the summer outside had some bad influence, but I decided to create a beach-like style, which look like this at the moment:

device-2014-07-26-235539This game still requires a lot of work and a title. At the moment, it has local multiplayer mode only, I want to add at least AI, maybe also some network-based mode, e.g. via e-mail like in some Civilization games. The game still needs a lot of animations, menus, some more game play elements, and some music and sound effects.

So stay tuned, more games are on the way.

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